Oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS or OMFS) specializes in treating many diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral (mouth) and maxillofacial (jaws and face) region. It is an internationally recognized surgical specialty. Surgical problems include impacted teeth, facial trauma, oral cancer, salivary gland disease, dental implants, jaw and congenital facial disproportion, temporomandibular joint disorders, and various benign pathologies. All of the treatment will be done by oral and maxillofacial surgeons who are specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of disorders. Thanks to modern surgery that has developed to such an extent so that the body of knowledge and technical skills required have led to surgeons specialising in particular areas, including oral and maxillofacial surgery.
You may imagine that the procedure will be so complex but we will do all the treatment with the specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery which has dual qualification both medicine and dentistry. Also, they have to follow a comprehensive general and specialist surgical training, and is a recognised international before. All of our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are expert in the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of disorders affecting the facial complex and skeleton, such as the jaws and oral cavity. Our professional oral and maxillofacial surgeons know how to treat hard and soft tissue issues. Because we realize that a professional must work on sensitive areas like the gums and tough structures like the jawbone and parts of the neck. If you have any dental problem that need to be surgery do not hesitate to make an appointment with us soon.